Erik | Curriculum Vitae

A more detailed and probably more frequently updated version of my CV can be found here (including a teaching table).

Table of Contents

Academic Positions

  • Jan 2023 – Dec 2027
    Assistant Professor, Disability Research Division, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL), Linköping University.
  • Jan 2022 – Dec 2022
    Researcher, People in the transport system, The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Linköping.
  • Jan 2022 – Nov 2022
    Postdoctoral Researcher, Disability Research Division, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL), Linköping University.
    Responsibilities: Conducting a qualitative research project examining digitalization and listening effort in individuals with hearing loss (see Funding and Grants). Analyzing data from an extensive database (i.e., n200) and writing research papers.
  • Jan 2019 – Dec 2021
    Postdoctoral Researcher, Disability Research Division, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL), Linköping University.
    Responsibilities: Analyzing data from an extensive database (i.e., n200) and preparing manuscripts in cognitive hearing science. Responsible for arranging the monthly HEAD seminar series (august 2020 – august 2021). This includes contacting national and international researchers, booking flights and hotels, and setting up online equipment to stream the seminars. Teaching and supervising.
  • Aug 2018 – Oct 2018
    Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Umeå University.
    Project: How do human perceptions of safety differ in a broken communication chain from an unbroken one?
    Carried out a literature study commissioned by SOS Alarm, an emergency agency (e.g., public safety answering point), with the results disseminated in a report.
  • Oct 2012 – June 2018
    Ph.D. Student, Department of Psychology, Umeå University.
    Planning of studies, programming experiments, literature search, data analysis, scientific communication, and more.
  • June 2011
    Project Assistant, Department of Psychology, Umeå University.
    Recruitment of participants and data collection, commenting in a published paper (see publication 2014).

Degrees and Titles

  • 2018 Ph.D. in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Umeå University
    Thesis title: Attention capture by sudden and unexpected changes: a multisensory perspective.
    Available from the DiVA Database:
    Supervisors: Associate Professor Jessica K. Ljungberg, Professor Gregory Neely, & Dr. Patrik Hansson
  • 2012 MSc. in Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Umeå University
    Thesis title: Attention Capture: The Impact of Change in Spatial Sound Source on Behavior.
    Supervisor: Associate Professor Jessica K. Ljungberg
  • 2011 BSc. in Cognitive Science, Department of Psychology, Umeå University.
    Thesis title: Attention Capture: Studying the Distracting Effect of One’s Own Name.
    Available from DiVA Database:
    Supervisor: Associate Professor Jessica K. Ljungberg


Accepted/In Press/Published

Marsja, E., Holmer, E., Stenbäck, V., Micula A., Danielsson, H. & Rönnberg, J. (Accepted). Fluid Intelligence Partially Mediates the Effect of Working Memory on Speech Recognition in Noise. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

Elbe, P., Marsja, E., Sörman, D., Vega-Mendoza, M., Nyberg L., & Ljungberg K. J. (2024). Effects of Auditory and Tactile Distraction in Adults with Low and High ADHD Symptoms. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 36(5), 645–656. (PDF).

Marsh, J.E., Vachon, F., Sörqvist, P., Marsja, E., Röer J.P., Richardson, B.H., & Ljungberg, K.J. (2024). Irrelevant Changing-state Vibrotactile Stimuli Disrupt Verbal Serial Recall: Implications for Theories of Interference in Short-term Memory. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 36(1), 78–100. (PDF).

Stenbäck, V., Marsja, E., Ellis, R., & Rönnberg, J. (2023). Relationships between objective and subjective outcome measures of speech recognition in noiseInternational Journal of Audiology 62(2). (Open Access: PDF)

Stenbäck, V., Marsja, E., Hällgren, M., Lyxell, B., & Larsby, B. (2022). Informational Masking and Listening Effort in Speech Recognition in Noise: The Role of Working Memory Capacity and Inhibitory Control in Older Adults With and Without Hearing Impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(11), 4417–4428. (Open Access: PDF)

Marsja, E., Stenbäck, V., Moradi, S., Danielsson, H., & Rönnberg, J. (2022). Is Having Hearing Loss Fundamentally Different? Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling of the Effect of Cognitive Functioning on Speech Identification. Ear and Hearing, 43(5), 1437–1446. (Open Access: PDF)

Stenbäck, V., Marsja, E., Hällgren, M., Lyxell, B., & Larsby, B. (2021). The Contribution of Age, Working Memory Capacity, and Inhibitory Control on Speech Recognition in Noise in Young and Older Adult ListenersJournal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research64(11), 4513–4523.

Rosa, E., Marsja, E., & Ljungberg, J. K. (2020). Exploring Residual Capacity: The Effectiveness of a Vibrotactile Warning During Increasing Levels of Mental Workload in Simulated Flight TasksAviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 10(1), 13–23.

Marsja, E., Marsh, J.E., Hansson, P., & Neely, G. (2019). Examining the Role of Spatial Changes in Bimodal and Uni-Modal To-Be-Ignored Stimuli and How They Affect Short-Term Memory Processes. Frontiers In Psychology (Open Access)

Marsja, E., Neely, G., & Ljungberg, K.J. (2018). Investigating Deviance Distraction and the Impact of the Modality of the To-Be-Ignored StimuliExperimental Psychology, 65(2), 61–70.

Ljungberg, K. J., Parmentier, F. B. R., Jones, D. M., Marsja, E., & Neely, G. (2014). “What’s in a name?” “No more than when it’s mine own”. Evidence from auditory oddball distractionActa Psychologica, 150C, 161–166.

Publications In Preparation/Submitted/Under Revision

Marsja, E., Thellman S., Anund A. (Under Revision). Trust in Automated Shuttles Predicts the Behavioral Intention to Use and Expectations of Breaking Behavior of Automated Shuttles.

Stenbäck, V., Hällgren, M., & Marsja, E. (Submitted). The role of age and hearing ability on speech reception thresholds, and energetic and informational masking in two Swedish speech materials.

Marsja E., Signoret C., & Stenbäck V. (Submitted). Listening Effort in Video Meetings: Positive and Negative Experiences of Employees with Hearing Loss.

Fohlin, M., Åkerman A-K, & Marsja, E. (Submitted). Exploring the Applicability of the Emotional Availability Scales in Dyads of Adolescents and their Foster Care Parent.

Ingo, E., Luccini F., Stenbäck, V., Holmer, E., Danielsson, H & Marsja, E.. (Manuscript in Preparation). Psychometric Properties of the Speech, Spatial, and Quality Questionnaire.

Marsja, E., Neely, G., & Ljungberg, K.J (Manuscript in Preparation). Deviance distraction in the auditory and tactile modalities after repeated exposure: differential aspects of tactile and auditory deviants.

Conference Presentations

Thellman, S., Marsja, E., Anund, A., & Ziemke, T. (2023). Will It Yield: Expectations on Automated Shuttle Bus Interactions With Pedestrians and Bicyclists. Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 292–296. (Summary: & PDF:

Marsja, E., Danielsson, H., Stenbäck, V., Moradi, S., & Rönnberg, J. (2019, November). Examining how Cognitive Functioning, Aging, and Hearing Loss, Affect Speech-in-Noise Performance. Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA. Poster.

Stenbäck, V., Marsja, E., Danielsson, H., & Rönnberg, J. (2019, November). Logical and Auditory Inference Making: Performance in the HINT in normally-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Aging and Speech Communication Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA. Poster.

Bampouni, E., Marsja, E., Sörman, D.E., & Ljungberg, K.J (2019, November). Do Action Gamers Have Enhanced Visual Search Skills? a Realistic Task Approach. The 15th SweCog conference of the Swedish Cognitive Science Society, Umeå, Sweden. Poster.

Marsja, E., Danielsson, H., Stenbäck, V., Moradi, S., & Rönnberg, J. (2019, June). Examining Relationship Amongst Cognition, Hearing Loss, Age, & Speech in Noise. Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, Linköping, Sweden. Poster.

Stenbäck, V., Moradi, S., Marsja, E., Danielsson, H., & Rönnberg, J. (2019, June). Logical and auditory inference-making in normally-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication, Linköping, Sweden. Poster.

Marsja, E., Marsh, J.E., Neely G., Hansson P., & Ljungberg K.J. (2017, April). Domain-generality or domain-specificity of the short-term memory: insights from a multisensory distraction paradigm. Re-thinking the Senses Spring School, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Poster.

Marsja, E., Marsh, J.E., Neely G., Hansson P., & Ljungberg K.J. (2016, September). Do Spatial Changes in Sounds and Vibrations Affect Visuo-spatial and Verbal Short-Term Memory? Attention and Control: Insights from Distraction, Workshop, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK. Invited presentation.

Marsja, E., Marsh, J.E., Neely G., Hansson P., & Ljungberg K.J. (2016, June). Spatial Change in Multisensory Distractors Impact on Verbal and Spatial Short Term Memory. International Multisensory Research Forum 17th annual meeting, Suzhou, CHN. Oral presentation.

Marsja, E., Neely G., Ma, L., & Ljungberg K.J., (2015, August). Cross-modality matches of intensity and attention capture dimensions of auditory and vibrotactile stimuli. Fechner Day 2015. The 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, Québec, CA. Poster.

Marsja, E., Neely, G., Parmentier, F.B.R., & Ljungberg, K.J. (2014, October) Deviance Distraction Is Contingent on Stimuli Being Presented within the Same Modality. Psychonomic Society’s 55th Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA, USA. Poster.

Ljungberg, K.J., Parmentier, F.B.R., Marsja, E., Neely, & G. Jones, D., (2014, January). Any Tom, Dick, or Harry will do: Hearing one’s own name distracts no more than any other in a cross-modal oddball task. Experimental Psychology Society Meeting. London, UK. Poster.

Marsja, E., Neely, G., Parmentier, F.B.R., & Ljungberg, K.J. (2013, October). Maintenance of the distractive effect of deviating vibrotactile stimuli in a cross-modal oddball paradigm. The 29th Annual meeting of the International Society of Psychophysics, Freiburg, DE. Poster.

Marsja, E. (2016, July). Python Programming in Psychology – From Data Collection to Analysis. JEPS Bulletin – The Official Blog of the Journal of European Psychology StudentsInvited Blog Post. Retrieved from (Internet Archive Wayback Machine Link:

Science Outreach

Marsja, E., & Stenbäck, V., (June, 2022). Current and Ongoing Projects on Hearing loss, Cognition,
Psychosocial Perspectives, Video Meetings and Listening E?ort. Presentation for the Hearing Clinics
(Öron- näs- och halsklinikerna), Region Östergötland.

Funding and Grants

4 170 000 SEK from the Swedish Research Council for the project The temporal architecture of imitative interaction during the first three months of life (Co-applicant. PI: Prof. Emeritus Heimann), 2023.

299 235 SEK from Hörselforskningsfonden (the Hearing Research Fund) for the project Lyssningsansträngning hos individer med hörselnedsättning på grund av ökad digitalisering i arbetslivet (Listening effort in individuals with hearing impairment due to increased digitalisation in working life), 2021 (PI). Link to Swedish press release:

6000 SEK from the Department of Psychology, Umeå University, for participating in the Re-thinking the Senses Spring School, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2017.

15000 SEK from Lars Hiertas Minnesfond for the project Är korttidsminnet domän-generellt eller domän-specifikt? (Is short-term memory domain-general or domain specific?), 2016.

12 000 SEK from the Faculty of Social sciences, Umeå University, for participating in the workshop Attention and Control: Insights from Distraction, and visiting a researcher at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 2016.

8000 SEK from the Department of Psychology, Umeå University, for participating in the conference 17th International Multisensory Research Forum 15-18 June, Souzou, China, 2016.

10 000 SEK from JC Kempes minnesfond for the project Is everyday distractibility related to attention capture by vibrating deviants? 2014.

9 000 SEK from Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse for participating in the conferences Psychonomic Society’s 55th Annual Meeting, 20-23 November, and APCAM, 20 November, Long Beach, USA, 2014.

6000 SEK from the Department of Psychology for participating in the conference Fechner Day 2013 (the 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics) 21-25 October, Freiburg i.Br., Germany, 2013.

Peer-reviewed for Journals:

  • Journal of Cognitive Psychology
  • Behavior Research Methods
  • Frontiers in Psychology
  • Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
  • Scientific Reports
  • Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research

Skills & Training


2017 Spring School Re-Thinking the Senses, Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik, Croatia


Primarily in:

  • Research Methods & Basic Statistics
  • Cognitive Psychology (attention, perception, & working memory)
  • Applied Cognitive Psychology (attention and perception)

All lectures, seminars, lab demonstrations, supervision of group projects (both involving empirical and applied projects), and supervision of thesis’ have been given at the Department of Psychology, Umeå University, Sweden (2014 – 2017) and the Department of Behavioral Science and Learning, Linköping University (2019 – ). At Linköping University, I also held workshops and supervised projects. I have so far taught 950 and 824 clock hours.

Supervision of Bachelor Students (Undergraduate Level)

Jerdhaf, O. (2021). Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Discovering Implant Terms in Medical Records”. Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 ECTS). Main supervisor

Bridal, O. (2021). Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Named-entity recognition with BERT for anonymization of medical records”. Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 ECTS). Main supervisor

Mattila, M. (2021). Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Synthetic Image Generation Using GANs – Generating Class-Specific Images of Bacterial Growth”. Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 ECTS). Main supervisor

Rombo, A. (2020). Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Self-determination perceived by users in support services pursuant to LSS – An analysis on a municipal level”. Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 EcTS). Main supervisor

Lindberg, F. (2020). Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Hur ungas attityder kring hörselnedsättningar orsakade av fritidsbuller påverkas av deras koppling till sitt framtida jag.” (How young people’s attitudes to hearing impairments caused by leisure noise are affected by their connection to their future selves.) Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 ECTS). Main supervisor

Dahlgren, S. Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “The association between cognition and speech-in-noise perception – Investigating the link between speech-in-noise perception and fluid intelligence in people with and without hearing loss.” Bachelor’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (18 ECTS). Main supervisor

Supervision of Master Students (Graduate Level)

Carlbring, J. (2020) Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. “Inclusive Design for Mobile Devices with WCAG and Attentional Resources in Mind.” Master’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (30 ECTS). Main supervisor

Ma, L. (2015). Department of Psychology, Umeå University. “Cross-Modal Matching of Distractibility in Auditory and Tactile Stimuli”. Master’s Thesis in Cognitive Science (15 ECTS). Co-supervisor

Blide, M. (2014). Department of Psychology, Umeå University. “Att orka lämna ett misshandelsförhållande: Anknytningens beydelse (To cope leaving abusive relationships: The importance of attachment). Master’s Thesis in Clinical Psychology (30 ECTS). Co-supervisor

Teaching Workshops

Oct 2018 – R Workshop “Step-by-Step”, Department of Psychology, Umeå University.

An introduction to R statistical programming language, focusing on basic programming and the R environment, was presented to senior researchers.

Additional Skills

  • Extensive knowledge in statistical software such as SPSS, JASP, and R statistical programming environment
  • Strong scripting skills in Python (v2.7.x & v3.x.x) and R
  • Substantial skills in programming and performing experiments using both E-prime and Python (i.e., PsychoPy, OpenSesame, & Expyriment)
  • Good skills in Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Basic programming skills in Visual Basic, E-basic (E-prime), MATLAB, Bash, JavaScript, and PHP
  • Basic skills in Markdown (e.g., RMarkdown) and


  • Elected chairperson of the Ph.D. students Council of the Department of Psychology, Umeå University.

This CV was created using RMarkdown and LaTeX. You can find a more frequently updated CV version on GitHub, including all the RMarkdown files and LaTeX templates (here).

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