R statistical programming related stuff

convert all character columns to factor in r

Convert All Character Columns to Factor in R: A Guide

In data analysis using R, the need to convert character columns to factors is common. Character columns often contain categorical data, and converting them to factors enables R to interpret and analyze the data more effectively. Factors represent categorical variables with distinct levels, aiding in statistical modeling (e.g., ANOVA, MANOVA) and visualization. Data type conversion is

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tutorial for not in r

Not in R: Elevating Data Filtering & Selection Skills with dplyr

Discover how to filter data in R using the %in% operator’s counterpart, ! (NOT) with filter(). This powerful technique allows you to exclude specific values from your dataset, providing fine-grained control over your data filtering process. Streamline your data manipulation with this essential skill. Explore more in our comprehensive guide.

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R Jupyter Notebook Tutorial

Running R in Jupyter: Unleash the Simplicity of Notebooks

Introduction Running R in Jupyter Notebook allows us to use notebooks’ power and simplicity for data analysis and research tasks. This post will cover the benefits and capabilities of using R in a Jupyter Notebook. Firstly, let us briefly introduce the concept of a notebook. A notebook is an interactive document that combines code, visualizations,

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