
Programming related posts

In this category you will find posts that are related to programming and should be interesting for psychologists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists. Well, almost every researcher would probably find some of the information useful at some time!

Every research psychologist, cognitive scientist, and neuroscientist, should know how to program.. Knowing how to program and write scripts will make many of a researchers everyday tasks much easier. For instance, instead of going through line after line of raw data you can write a Python script that runs through each cell in each column. Furthermore, you get the possibility to use more advanced, and cutting edge, statistical techniques by using R statistical programming environment.

Another example might be to create experiments using PsychoPy (either by coding using Python or using the drag-and-drop interface) and the cheap and open-source Arduino microcontroller. Also, coding is fun and relaxing!

data manipulation in python with pandas

Data Manipulation with Pandas: A Brief Tutorial

Learn three data manipulation techniques with Pandas in this guest post by Harish Garg, a software developer and data analyst, and the author of Mastering Exploratory Analysis with pandas. Modifying a Pandas DataFrame Using the inplace Parameter In this section, you’ll learn how to modify a DataFrame using the inplace parameter. You’ll first read a real dataset into

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Python Video Tutorial: Creating a Flanker Task using Expyriment

In this video you learn how to create a Flanker task using the Python package Expyriment. If you don’t know Expyriment it is an open-source library. You can program your experiments and run on Linux, Windows, and OS-x computers and Android devices. In the tutorial you will get familiar with Expyriment and get to create

Python Video Tutorial: Creating a Flanker Task using Expyriment Read More »

Exploring response time distributions using Python

Inspired by my post for the JEPS Bulletin (Python programming in Psychology), where I try to show how Python can be used from collecting to analyzing and visualizing data, I have started to learn more data exploring techniques for Psychology experiments (e.g., response time and accuracy). Here are some methods, using Python, for visualization of

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