Author name: Erik Marsja

PhD in Psychology, Linköping University. Main interest is experimental and cognitive psychology. Enjoy programming in Python and R.

E-prime how-to: save data to csv-file using InLine scripts

In this post, I will describe, shortly, how to use InLine scripts in E-prime to save your data in comma-separated values (CSV) files. For those who are not familiar with E-prime, it is an experiment generating software based on visual basic (i.e., it has its own scripting language called e-basic). Its main purpose is to […]

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psychopy tutorials - videos

PsychoPy video tutorials

PsychoPy, as I have previously written about (e.g., Free and Useful Software and PsychoPy tutorial) is really a great Python tool for creating Psychology experiments. You can write Python code by either using  “code view” or importing the package in your favorite IDE.  Furthermore, you can use the builder mode and just drag and drop different

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descriptive statistics in python

Descriptive Statistics in Python using Pandas

in this Python and Pandas tutorial, you will learn how to calculate descriptive statistics in Python using Pandas. First, you will get a brief description of what descriptive statistics is. After that, you will get a quick answer to a the question “how can I calculate descriptive statistics in Python”. In the next subsections, we

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